Estate Planning and Probate

Estate planning lawyers draft 遗嘱, 信托基金, and other instruments that man年龄 and distribute your estate.

遗产规划和遗嘱认证是两个经常齐头并进的法律学科. 这两个程序一起工作,以确保已故遗产所有者的财产, 资产, 资金在他们的继承人和在世受益人之间合法分配. Even if the estate is fully accounted for with proper planning, documentation, Last Will, and Testament, estate probate will be necessary at some point.

然而,你可以采取必要的步骤,以减少遗嘱认证程序的时间. 这对于最小化遗嘱认证法庭费用和其他要求尤其重要. 遗产规划和家庭遗嘱认证程序应根据国家的继承法和有关资产和财产的位置或遗产所有者的住所进行.

Estate Planning Attorneys In Kalamazoo

通常情况下,创建一个理想的遗产计划,实现个人的目标可能是具有挑战性的. 这就是为什么你应该考虑与有经验的卡拉马祖房地产规划和遗嘱认证律师合作. 客户端的 Michigan estate attorneys at Keilen Law PLC是专业的卡拉马祖遗产规划律师,专门帮助个人和家庭尽可能合法和公平地解决资产和财产问题.

From simple to complex estate planning and probate processes, 客户端致力于确保您的幸存受益人按照您的意愿获得您的资产和财产的公平份额. We handle 信托基金, 遗嘱, property succession planning, and probate administration in Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, and all over Michigan.

Contrary to popular perception, 遗产规划涵盖了房地产和继承空间内的不同目标. These goals include:

  • Managing the wealth left behind by the estate owner;
  • Reducing the impact of tax repercussions;
  • 监督家族企业向下一代的顺利过渡;
  • 选择一个经过审查和值得信赖的人,在你丧失行为能力的情况下代表你作出财务决定;
  • 接管年轻的受抚养人、老人或有特殊需要的亲人的福利;
  • Updating an estate plan in case of divorce;
  • Supporting the interest of domestic partners and adopted children.



Estate Planning Consultations

当您计划与卡拉马祖遗产规划和遗嘱认证律师合作来照顾您的遗产资产时,进行初步咨询并不一定是具有挑战性和令人生畏的. 会面包括通常的手续,律师会问一些正确的问题来更好地了解你. The attorney will need to obtain all the necessary information, including your names, 年龄, occupation, nature of the 医疗 condition (chronic or terminal), marital status, finances, number of beneficiaries, how they are related to you, 等.

遗产规划和遗嘱认证律师将定制必要的规划工具,以满足您的独特需求. Once you’ve shared the required information with your attorney, 你将根据他们的建议和咨询结果来决定是否与他们合作. If successful, 您的卡拉马祖遗产规划和遗嘱认证律师将着手实施您的计划.

How Probate Attorneys Can Help


Probate Administration

When a loved one passes, 客户端承担遗嘱管理职责,以确保所有资产和财产得到有效管理或分配. 客户端首先向遗嘱认证法庭和遗产管理部门提交遗嘱.

Probate Conservatorship


  • Collect and man年龄 all proceeds from life insurance;
  • Ensure the deceased property is appraised;
  • Locate and secure all the deceased 资产;
  • 就如何支付死者所有待偿债务提供法律指引;
  • Prepare and file all the necessary probate court documents;
  • Man年龄 the checkbooks;
  • Settle any awaiting estate taxes.

Probate Guardianship

当父母或监护人丧失行为能力,以致不能照顾自己或年幼的子女时, or if they have passed, 需要一个合法的监护人来照顾孩子或儿童的福利. At Keilen Law, 客户端确保儿童的宪法权利或无行为能力的个人得到照顾, including catering to their physical, 医疗, psychological, and financial well-being.

Probate Last Will And Testament

最后遗嘱和遗嘱是法律文件,阐明了你去世时的最后愿望. 这些法律文件允许您将您的资产和财产遗赠给您的幸存家属或未成年受益人的监护人. 客户端使用最后的遗嘱和遗嘱来监督有效的管理或关闭您的遗产.

Estate Planning And Probate Attorneys In Kalamazoo

At Keilen Law, we serve individuals and families in Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, 在遗产规划方面提供实用的法律建议和代理, probate, elder law, and guardianship. 客户端在帮助家庭建立实质性遗嘱和可撤销信托方面有多年的经验. 客户端Kalamazoo estate planning 律师事务所旨在为房地产规划的各个领域提供全面的法律支持.

Whether you are just thinking of creating a will, updating an existing estate plan, or you need assistance with 医疗 or financial powers of attorney, probate guardianship, or just any other legal issue, 请立即龙8国际app,以便客户端可以帮助您减轻负担,并为您的遗产规划需求找到持久的解决方案. Contact Keilen Law PLC online or call (269) 382-4818 to get started.

凯伦律师是我的姐夫在我需要法律顾问时推荐给我的. I am very pleased with my decision to use Keilen Law. 在我需要帮助的时候,我感到真正的关心和出色的代表. 我的法律问题得到了非常及时和专业的处理. I am now most definitely among those who would recommend Keilen Law.

— Kim Day